Summer Fun!

We had a great summer full of traveling, camping, boating, riding motos, reunions and just having fun being together. Marena is a senior and will be heading off to college soon. We needed to make the summer full of family fun.

We decided to splurge and buy a toyhauler (which is a camp trailer that also carries our 4 wheeler and motorcycles) and we had a great time and went camping quite a bit. We also got an older boat and had tons of fun with it. We went boating at Lake Lowell, Horsethief Reservoir and Anderson Ranch Reservoir.

Tubing Pics


We had a great Thanksgiving. We went to Gary & Holly's for dinner, which was way too good. It was good to see Steve and Karla and their kids. Then that night we went for dessert to my parent's house. It was wild and crazy with everyone there except Lance and Becky but we had a great time.



We went trick or treating with Gary & Holly and had a great time. Holly's house is always the best decorated in the subdivision. Justin and Jayce were supposed to dress up as cowboys but Mike decided to let them pick what they wanted to wear. Justin went for comfort and Jayce didn't want to dress up. So...after a bunch of kicking, screaming and bribing with the duck call, he decided to be a hunter.

Our trip to see Daniel & Tiffany (Virginia & DC)