Summer Fun!

We had a great summer full of traveling, camping, boating, riding motos, reunions and just having fun being together. Marena is a senior and will be heading off to college soon. We needed to make the summer full of family fun.

We decided to splurge and buy a toyhauler (which is a camp trailer that also carries our 4 wheeler and motorcycles) and we had a great time and went camping quite a bit. We also got an older boat and had tons of fun with it. We went boating at Lake Lowell, Horsethief Reservoir and Anderson Ranch Reservoir.

Tubing Pics

Grandma Waltman's Birthday!

Grandma Waltman celebrated her birthday on March 26th! It was during our spring break so there were lots of kids around to wish her a happy birthday!
Carolee made a cake for her and all the kids came to sing happy birthday to her.
She didn't notice that we had swapped the birthday candles...she's not really THAT old!


When we were asking the kids what they wanted to do for spring break and where, they said they wanted to stay at a hotel with a pool. Okay, Marena and Jadan wanted to go to DisneyWorld but the others were content with the pool part. We actually could've stayed here in the valley but we wanted to go visit our friends, Jake and Kenna Smith. When we lived in Montana, we became friends. When we moved to Idaho, they moved to Utah. They were so nice to let us crash at their house one night and go to church with them. We had lots of fun visiting with them. The kids had fun swimming!

Flat Grandma!

Grandma Tanner sent the kids a flat version of herself so she could be with them wherever they went.

The picture of her at In N Out Burger didn't turn out but she was there!

It was a great idea...the kids are having fun with it!

Kite Flying!

We were trying to decide what activities to have at Mallary's party. The weather was VERY windy so we decided to buy kites and attempt to have her and her friends fly them. I thought the kites were going to fall apart the instant they were in the air. They were only $1 each but they held up great! Jadan's job was to untangle...needless to say, he was VERY busy! It was a lot of fun.

Field Trip!

In March, the Cousins' Preschool took a field trip to the Star Fire Station. Captain Chris Head showed them a DVD on fire safety and then showed them everything from the helmets to the cab of the firetruck to the "jaws of life". It was fun but Emily was scared when the fireman came out with all his fire clothes on. He did sound like Darth Vader...especially when we asked him to say, "Luke, I am your father."

More field trip photos!

Our trip to see Daniel & Tiffany (Virginia & DC)