Summer Fun!

We had a great summer full of traveling, camping, boating, riding motos, reunions and just having fun being together. Marena is a senior and will be heading off to college soon. We needed to make the summer full of family fun.

We decided to splurge and buy a toyhauler (which is a camp trailer that also carries our 4 wheeler and motorcycles) and we had a great time and went camping quite a bit. We also got an older boat and had tons of fun with it. We went boating at Lake Lowell, Horsethief Reservoir and Anderson Ranch Reservoir.

Tubing Pics

Best Buds!

These two are crazy. The other day I heard them talking and Jayce said to Justin, "Yeah, we are going to the dentist." Justin responded, "I know! It's cause I have diarrhea!" They finish each other's sentences...weird!

1 comment:

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

Julie WOW!! i almost fell over when i saw that you updated your blog!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Its so fun to see your life, since i don't get to EVER!! I miss you! you look SO good! you are TINY! Thanks for posting, i know i made everyone feel guilty, but it worked right?? Keep the updates coming! just think, one day a month is all you have to do! that's doable right? Marena's Prom pics are SO awesome! she's so so pretty!! i can't believe how big Mallary is! she's cute!! Miss you sister! come visit again, it was SO SO fun!! we can do more dumpster diving! ;)

Our trip to see Daniel & Tiffany (Virginia & DC)