Summer Fun!

We had a great summer full of traveling, camping, boating, riding motos, reunions and just having fun being together. Marena is a senior and will be heading off to college soon. We needed to make the summer full of family fun.

We decided to splurge and buy a toyhauler (which is a camp trailer that also carries our 4 wheeler and motorcycles) and we had a great time and went camping quite a bit. We also got an older boat and had tons of fun with it. We went boating at Lake Lowell, Horsethief Reservoir and Anderson Ranch Reservoir.

Tubing Pics

Christmas Tree Hunting!

Our tradition of 12+ years is going with Mike's family to find our Christmas Tree. We love spending time with Grandma Tanner, Gary & Holly, Steve & Karla and all their kids (Steve & Karla had to go back to Utah). Usually we go major sledding but there was just enough snow to have a giant snowball fight and build small snowmen. We found our tree and had tons of fun!


Laurie Nelson said...

I looks like tons of fun. It's to bad there wasn't more snow for sledding. You will have to take pictures of the tree all decorated so that we can see the finished product. Merry Christmas!

Kenna said...

Looks like a perfect Tanner tree...tall and skinny...just like all of you:) Ours is tall and way to fat for the room it is in...opps:( We were saying how we wished we had someone to go up and get a tree with but since we didn't we were lame and went to the lot and got one:( I'm glad you guys had fun!
PS Cute Blog! Looks like you are figuring it out!

JeNeale said...

Yeah! I'm glad I finally have the right blog address.

Great tree and great tradition! The kids are adorable and growing up too fast. Why are we getting so old? :)

drainey said...

Julie, Hi, your blog is fun to look at. Hope everyone is doing well. Its icy and snowy here in Texas. We are staying in wasting time on the computer!

Our trip to see Daniel & Tiffany (Virginia & DC)