Summer Fun!

We had a great summer full of traveling, camping, boating, riding motos, reunions and just having fun being together. Marena is a senior and will be heading off to college soon. We needed to make the summer full of family fun.

We decided to splurge and buy a toyhauler (which is a camp trailer that also carries our 4 wheeler and motorcycles) and we had a great time and went camping quite a bit. We also got an older boat and had tons of fun with it. We went boating at Lake Lowell, Horsethief Reservoir and Anderson Ranch Reservoir.

Tubing Pics

Just me and the kids!

While we were waiting for Mike, who was helping Gary and Holly get their extra tall tree, we posed for this picture.

1 comment:

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

Julie i love that last picture its so cute! That definately looks like a Tanner tree- tall and skinny, you guys make it looks so good! post pictures when you get it up! oh and we have the same background and you will just have to deal with that because i'm not changing mine! ha!

Our trip to see Daniel & Tiffany (Virginia & DC)